Farming Philosophy

At La Donaira, our approach to farming is a dynamic blend of tradition and innovation.

We believe that the best agricultural practices draw from the wisdom of the past while embracing the possibilities of the future.

Our methods are deeply rooted in regenerative agriculture and biodynamic principles, guiding us in creating a self-sustaining and harmonious ecosystem where every element supports the whole.

We focus on nurturing the land, fostering biodiversity, and enhancing the natural resilience of our farm’s ecosystems.

Sustainability is at the core of everything we do.

Every decision we make is guided by our commitment to safeguarding the environment and fostering a thriving ecosystem.

We believe that true sustainability goes beyond simply maintaining the status quo; it involves actively improving the health and resilience of the land, water, and living organisms that make up our farm.

From soil regeneration to water conservation and the use of natural fertilisers, every aspect of our farming process is designed to minimise our environmental impact while maximising the health and vitality of our crops and livestock.

We are committed to creating a model of agriculture that not only sustains but enriches the land for future generations.

La Donaira is more than just a farm; it is a thriving community where knowledge and experiences are shared.

Our doors are open to volunteers, experts, and guests from all over the world who come together to engage in meaningful dialogue and hands-on learning.

This diverse exchange of ideas fosters creativity and innovation, allowing us to continually refine our practices and explore new approaches to agriculture.

Here, farming is not just a profession, but a way of life—a continuous journey of learning, growing, and contributing to a more sustainable and thoughtful way of living.

An agriculture that is whole
nourishes the whole person,
head and heart, body and soul.
We do not live by bread alone.
— Wendell Berry, Introduction to Masanobu Fukuoka´s One Straw Revolution