Let’s slow down and learn to live the good life

Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.
— Walt Whitman

Let’s face it, we live in a world where everything happens at great speed. The rapid access to all kinds of information easily distract us and keep us away from what really matters: establishing deep relationships with the people and the places around us. The fear of missing out haunts us even while on vacation.

Following the philosophy of slow living and slow food, a movement that began in Italy during the 80s, the concept of slow travel (travel without haste) focuses on seeking authenticity. In a society in which everything happens at the speed of light a trip becomes the perfect opportunity to reconnect and meet new people, the perfect opportunity to open our eyes and heart to everything around us. This new concept directly conflicts with the habits of the baby boom generation, which is characterized by mass tourism, including hotel complexes and an endless list of excursions. The culture of slow travel focuses more on quality than on quantity, advocates disconnecting from technology, slowing down and enjoying life. One of the pillars of this philosophy is simply to appreciate the moment and to pursue connections:  to local people, food, and culture. Experiencing deeper connection requires more time and might involve staying in one place long enough to get a proper lay of the land, meeting some locals, and observing daily life.

La Donairas’ spectacular location in a landlocked region gifts her with incredible scenery. Trails for walking, biking and horseback riding are available to our guests and offer a slower way of experiencing the landscape and connecting to its rhythm. Our food, also inspired by the pillars of the Slow Food Movement, showcase fresh ingredients from local sources following the cycles of nature. Finally, our surroundings are full of historically significant towns and guests are encouraged to explore this truly outstanding region to immerse themselves in a bygone era and get a taste of the daily life of its people.


Celebrating sixty centuries of sustainable silvoculture


Feeding the web of connections