The II edition of La Donaira Mountain Eco Marathon is a sports event that is committed on the conservation of the environment through sport. The race will take place on November 20, 2021.

What is the news about this edition?

–          Mountain Marathon 42 km with a positive climb gradient of 2.000 meter

–          Trail CxM 19 km with a positive climb gradient of 900 meter

–          Nordic Walking 19 km with a positive climb gradient of 900 meter

Montecorto is a town in Malaga that will host the start and finish line. The Eco Marathon runs through La Donaira estate, La Dehesa Biodinámica and the municipal areas of Montecorto (Málaga) and El Gastor (Cádiz). And it is one of the few sports races that awards cash prizes:

1st Prize: 400 euros

2nd Prize: 200 euros

3rd Prize: 100 euros

More information:

Saturday November 20, 2021

Montain Marathon 42 km – 2000 m +

Trail CxM 19 km – 900 m +

Nordic Walking 19 km – 900 m +

Start: 08:30 a.m. Montecorto (Malaga)

Route: Montecorto, La Donaira, La Dehesa Biodinámica and El Gastor (Cádiz)

Registrations: https://www.dorsalchip.es/carrera/2021/11/20/II_ECO_MARATON_LA_DONAIRA.aspx (Now open)

Information: ecomaratonladonaira@gmail.com

Press: press@ladonaira.com

How did the idea come about? Because of the strong concern for the future that we are going to leave for our children. With this premise of raising awareness about the importance of conserving our natural environment, we think that through sport, it would help to raise awareness of a global problem that affects all areas of our lives.

Why is it an Eco Marathon? We will try to reduce as much as possible the plastic and the impact on the environment, so most of the materials used on the route will be ecological.